Use a Utility Billing System to Save Time

A utility billing system helps save a lot of the landlord’s and tenants’ time. If, for instance, you have a billing company that uses electricity billing software to read meters and generate bills with the correct addresses, they save on staff time and the bills are generated automatically on the correct date each month. This helps the tenant plan their budget and payment system. Moreover, a landlord using such a utility billing system need not employ staff to read meters, generate bills, and collect the payments.

Knowing for Sure

With the advances in accounting billing software it is possible to keep track of who has paid the bills and who needs to be sent a reminder. Utility billing companies have invested in good software that helps them tackle every utility bill easily. Utility billing solutions are complete end-to-end answers to every landlord’s dilemma. By making it cheaper to bill people on actual use and ensuring that they comply with the payment schedule, landlords are now able to install individual meters. There is greater accountability among tenants who are now sure that they are only paying for the utilities they consumed. This win-win situation is possible because of the development of utility software that makes it possible to bill individual families in apartment blocks or condos.

Saving Time

With the advent of online banking, these utility bills can easily be paid online. This service can be integrated with utility bill payment services, thereby reducing the need for employing staff to manually tally accounts and bills. The utility software does most of the work, saving time, and therefore, costs of separate billing.

Everybody Wins

Energy billing systems that rely on remote reading of energy meters helps in accurate billing. Moreover, as each user is now aware of the amount of energy they are using and paying for, there is an incentive to cut down on use through proper monitoring. This dramatically reduces energy consumption – something that is of benefit to the whole world.

Utility billing companies have the software and staff in place to bill residents in a whole host of buildings. They need access to the building once to install meters for the utilities that need to be billed. After that, their remote reading software takes over, reads the meters, and generates the bills. The landlord is presented with a consolidated check each month after deducting the charges of the company. Such companies normally charge a fixed fee per meter, though some companies charge a percentage of the bill amount. It is better to choose a company charging a fixed fee – between $5 and $7 per meter – as the outgo is fixed for the landlord.

Out West

Many landlords in California have adopted this system of outsourcing their utility billing to special companies set up for this purpose. Such companies use reliable and quality meters and industry approved software to help generate bills that are accurate and reflect actual use.

All is Well

By using energy billing systems that are well established, the landlord can convince residents of the transparency of the billing process. This will lead to better compliance when payment time comes. As there are bound to be fewer disputes, collecting payment becomes easier as well.

Your Source for Utility Billing Solutions Information