Utility Billing Interactive Voice Response

An interactive voice response (IVR) system is software with voice recording on it. Depending upon what you choose, you are navigated through the software. So you will have voice response on the basis of what you select. This technology has become very popular especially in the customer service industry. IVR also has different applications such as being able to drive an automobile by using voice commands. Nowadays, utility billing systems use utility billing interactive voice response technology extensively.

An Introduction

Suppose you have a problem with your credit card statement. The credit card company has charged you for a transaction which you didn’t do. So how do you go about rectifying the situation? You look at the contact number of the credit card company. Using your phone you contact the credit card company. Here is where the interactive voice response system comes into play. The system will ask you to select one of the many menu options by pressing a single digit on your phone. Like this, you can navigate to the service of your choice.

Saving Time

If you want to know the details of your bank account, usually the interactive voice response system tells you to dial the account number. You may also have to enter a security code to access information about your account. This is to protect the confidentiality of your account. The finance category is just one of the many categories which use this technology.

Saving Fuel

This technology is currently being used by utility service companies. This enables their customers of the utility service companies to pay off their utility bills over the phone. The latest trend has voice recognition system incorporated into interactive voice response systems for the purpose of protecting the security of the individual. Just look at how interactive voice response systems are used to pay utility bills.

An Example

Imagine you have to pay an electricity bill. There would be a deadline for paying the energy bill beyond which an additional sum would be charged as a fine. Naturally, nobody would like to pay a fine. However, most people are so busy that they sometimes forget the deadline. So it is necessary to send such people a reminder well in advance. This is a common and extremely beneficial feature of modern electricity billing interactive voice response system.

The system sends voice reminders to the customers whose bills are due. A human voice is more familiar and reassuring than the printed statement. Utility billing interactive voice response systems have built in voice recognition functions which provides security. So your privacy and confidentiality is secure.

If you want to pay your energy bill, a pre-recorded human voice will direct you through the entire process. It will accept inputs and allow you to select menu options. Once you are done, you will receive a comforting voice confirming the utility bill payment has been completed.

An Afterthought

Utility billing software has taken out the drudgery out of paying the utility bills. It is no longer an undesirable chore. But something from which one derives satisfaction and pleasure. The IVR technology lends a uniquely human touch to the whole process. This is indeed a minor revolution.

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